What is, “right” for you? Do you even know? Have you gotten lost along the way? Do you feel overwhelmed and it just becomes, “easier” to follow the crowd? What if you decide to do something others won’t agree with…

These are just a FEW of the questions that have come up in conversation with friends, family, and clients, frequently, in the time of COVID-19 this last year. Now we have moved into the vaccine stage and another big time of uncertainty. Over the last couple of weeks I have been engaging more face-to-face with those close to me and getting their stance on things as well as getting some feedback from a spiritual community that I belong to.

As a mental health professional and an intuitive healer I have to say that there has been a lot of conversation around this that triggers personal beliefs and also a perception of what is deemed as, “selfish” behavior or, “unselfish” and that those who are currently choosing to not take the vaccine are being, “selfish” to the greater good. Here is a struggle of mine because then I go to, “but isn’t it selfish to want to force what is good for one person onto another.” So I want to dive a little bit deeper into discernment on a physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional level. In this first part of this series I will discuss physical discernment.

As we go into this I do want to qualify my writing as saying that I, personally, have never been a fan of anyone telling me what I can or cannot do with my body. Even as a young adult I was ready to go out and get a piercing or tattoo because I wanted the say so over my body. I also want to say that this writing and all of the content is my own perception of things. I consider myself to be a person who is, “neutral with a preference”. Meaning that I, honestly, try to be a neutral observer in any situation so that I can come from a place of detachment. When I feel I am more one sided than neutral I understand that I have lost my ability to see things from a higher perspective as my emotions have gotten involved. That being said, sometimes I do feel passionately about things and that will warrant more emotion. All this aside, I just wanted anyone reading to have a perspective of my world and how I see things as my intent is always to enlighten and unite and not to create any further divide in this already very divided world.

Physical Discernment

Having a say so, or choice, over your physical body is, as stated above, very personal and important to me. I believe that in life we are given situations and events that teach us about discernment and personal choice. I am passionate about this subject as I am a person who has recovered from sexual assault as a young teen and also because I am a recovering addict who felt that their physical power and choice was taken away when it came to using. But these things that I once deemed as “horrible”, I now understand were necessary to help me to understand that I do have the power to choose and decide what I want for my body and my health.

So lets talk about healthcare and the power to choose in this area. I believe that the healthcare system has lied to us about how to be healthy and whole and to TRUST the body and its natural ability to heal. That is not to say that the medical profession and medications do not have their place. I also believe that there are a lot of good medical providers that are learning and willing to grow beyond what they have been taught to believe. But, as a society, there has been this over reliance upon an “easy fix” that has kept people disconnected, confused, and lost. I will tell you that I have seen, witnessed, and experienced so much over usage of medications in myself and with some very close people in my own life that it is one of the very things that has fueled my passion for mental health awareness, reiki/intuitive healing, and teaching others the true power of embodiment and all that lives within the body. We have been closed down, shut off, and detached from the most important part of our human journey, our physical vessel.

I live in a house where my husband and I have different views on things, physical care being one of them. He has been a person that, unfortunately, has had to rely heavily on the medical profession and a lot of medications to help him day in and day out. One of his medical conditions is a lower ascending aneurism in his heart. This makes him more susceptible to disease to begin with. During the last year we both minimized risk in our home for getting COVID-19 and he and I have had a lot of talk about the vaccine and what is good for him and what I feel is best for me. For me, this has been HUGE in teaching me not only about my discernment and personal choice but also loving and accepting others for their own personal choice. We both agreed that, initially, we wouldn’t take it and now, after he has discussed it with his doctor, he is choosing to get it while I am not.

I have family that have gotten it, clients not getting it, clients who have gotten it, and so I have had to really get to a place of neutrality with this and just LOVE AND SUPPORT others with whatever that choice may be.

I felt it was good to start with physical discernment and the vaccine as this is a very, “hot topic” and not one that many people want to talk about or discuss. However, it is a part of our reality and one that needs to be talked about but most people hold too much fear about how someone else will react to what their own personal choice is.

How to Practice Physical Discernment

If you are a person who doesn’t feel strongly connected to your body and your own personal choice but you want to feel into that more; what I would recommend is really tuning in every day and getting in touch with your body. Breathe deeply into your body more and really allow yourself to connect in. This is how I start all of my healing sessions and guided meditations as we have a tendency to be pulled, energetically, out of our bodies. So take some time and go inwards, listen to what your body is telling you as NO ONE knows your body better than you, you just need to remember that and tune in, your body is waiting for you!

Take in the information that feels aligned with you. If you are feeling triggered by what someone else thinks or feels ask, “why am I feeling this way?” Again, get into your body and pay attention to where that causes tightness or stiffness. Don’t push these physical pains away but get curious about it and go into it. When you are ready to release it you can allow it to go into the ground or out of your body (if you are not familiar with this or need assistance you can contact me to discuss further.) Ask questions of your providers and SPEAK UP for yourself.

Thank you for reading this first part of this series. In the next segment I will be deep diving into spiritual discernment and, again, if you have questions or would like to discuss a session with me to assist you with this, please book in a free 15 minute call through the link below!


Akwentus Uncategorized

2 Replies

  1. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing and speaking into this. Discernment has been a huge lesson in my life. As well as learning that I get to choose for ME. And accepting that what people choose for them isn’t always for us and that’s also ok.

    Looking forward to pt 2. ✨?✨

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